Let’s welcome our Summer 2021 intern! We’re so excited to have Kaytlyn on our team, as her penchant for helping people access the resources they need is exactly what we are committed to doing here at All-Options! During her time with us, Kaytlyn will be working remotely on all things related to the Hoosier Abortion Fund alongside our State Programs Manager, Evelyn. She will have the opportunity to help people access the abortion care they deserve while connecting folks with other resources they may need like our Hoosier Diaper Program or the Indiana Judicial Bypass Project. Read on to learn a thing or two about Kaytlyn’s interests and why she’s looking forward to interning with us!
Kaytlyn Baldwin (she/her)
Kaytlyn Baldwin is a rising senior at Indiana University. She is majoring in Human Biology, with a concentration in Human Health and Disease, and minoring in Religious Studies. As a strong advocate for women’s rights, interning for the All-Options PRC allows her to help women exercise these rights, concurrently alleviating the stress off of those in need. She is excited to learn more about resources available to women and how to access them. After college, she plans on attending medical or PA school, and hopes to further research the female body, continuing her devotion to helping women. On her own time, she spends time with her two dogs Bella and Teddy, and enjoys reading a variety of genres ranging from fiction to developing trends in the medical field.