Hello All-Options community,
Before we wrap up another month, we want to express our appreciation for you once more. Every time we answer a call to our Talkline or clergy counseling line, pledge funds to a person needing abortion care, or give diapers to a family, we’re encouraged by the knowledge that this wonderful community has our backs. Thank you for believing in the importance of our work. ❤️
In this newsletter, we share some changes happening at All-Options, the scoop on our programs, and information about one of our research studies! Read on to learn more.
Goodbye Leslie! And, We’re Hiring
It’s a bittersweet week at All-Options as we say goodbye to our National Engagement Coordinator Leslie and wish her luck as she takes the next step in her career. We’re going to miss Leslie’s passion for our mission, her thoughtful approach to her work, and the delicious vegan recipes she has shared with staff, but we are so excited to cheer her on in her next role! Thank you for everything, Leslie!
We are also excited to welcome a new person to the All-Options team, and we’re looking for candidates to fill the National Engagement Coordinator position. We’re seeking someone who is passionate about reproductive justice, wants to use their skills in fundraising and communications to engage people in making a difference, and enjoys working as a team to grow All-Options’ resources and expand our impact.
Click here to learn more about the role and how to apply.
Judicial Bypass & Abortion Funding
Did you know that in states like Indiana, minors who need abortions must get parental consent? That’s why we offer free support and legal assistance to young people through our Indiana Judicial Bypass Project. But even after going through the tedious process of getting a judicial bypass order, young people still have to pay for their procedure, which can be upwards of $700.
While the obstacles to abortion care in Indiana may be numerous, there is something you can do. Make a contribution to our Hoosier Abortion Fund to help cover the costs for these young people! And, if you know a lawyer in Indiana who might want to volunteer with us, tell them to get in touch!
13,000 Diapers for Hoosiers
In diaper news, our Hoosier Diaper Program has seen a major uptick in requests since last summer. We went from averaging about 9,000 diapers a month to distributing more than 13,000 diapers in January alone! As we work hard to meet our community’s growing needs, you can support our diaper efforts by making a donation from our Amazon or Target wish lists, or becoming a monthly donor to our program!
Research Project Update
Relief, confidence, and gratitude are some of the common feelings people experience after calling our All-Options Talkline. We know receiving this type of emotional support is invaluable to many, and we’ve teamed up with Ibis Reproductive Health on a study that explores this kind of support.
Through interviews with Talkline callers who have had abortions and convening with full-spectrum doulas, telephone counselors, in-clinic patient advocates, and folks from communities without existing abortion support offerings, we’re looking deeply at the importance of non-medical support for abortion experiences. Look out for findings from this study later this year!
Faith Aloud is Here for You
Since implementing new hours in January, our Faith Aloud clergy counselors have provided unbiased, spiritual support to 21 callers. What does that support look like? It can be as simple as a caller who is considering abortion asking for a compassionate ear to pray with her, which our clergy volunteer did on a recent call.
If you or someone you know is in need of nonjudgmental pregnancy support from a clergy person, call us at 1-888-717-5010. Remember, we are now answering calls live on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 11am-2pm and 3pm-6pm ET. Folks can still leave a voice message outside of those times to have a counselor return the call later.