Welcome to the latest edition of “Backline Love,” where we post Q&As with some of the people in the movement we love most. This month we are excited to bring you Gloria Malone, advocate for young parents, writer, and blogger behind Teen Mom NYC.
Can you describe your work (paid, volunteer, life) for us? Give us the what, where, why, and how.

My work is my life. I am a freelance writer and blogger – I blog regularly on my personal blog Teen Mom NYC – and an advocate for teen and young parents based out of New York City. After becoming pregnant and a mother at 15, I realized so many things, both within my control and out, that had contributed to my becoming pregnant so young. Through writing and speaking to policymakers, I share my story in an effort to put a face to teenage pregnancy, teenage parenthood, and societal structures that need to be changed to really help prevent unintended teenage pregnancies.
What four words would you use to describe your role in the movement?
Humble, student, fierce, outspoken.
How does Backline’s mission and work resonate with you and relate to the work that you do?
I feel that Backline resonates with the work that so many people do. Honestly, people want to discuss their situations and experiences in a safe and judgment-free environment and Backline provides that. I feel that people can relate to the work I do because we have all been young and sexuality is a part of life.
How do you see Backline as a contributor to your work and the work of the movement as a whole?
Because Backline doesn’t have a secret agenda behind its work, I feel many people can benefit from it. People need to be heard, understood, and respected in their decisions; that’s what Backline provides. No matter where you stand on certain topics being heard makes a HUGE difference.
RH Reality Check, The Broad Side, and Awesomely Luvvie – hilarious!
YO Look Who It IS!!! Genuine empathy and compassion for all. Killer afro, leather boots, and an awesome print dress. (I love dresses)