At All-Options, we’re working with people every day as they navigate complex reproductive experiences and seek support and training around pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption. People just like you call our All-Options Talkline for compassionate, open-hearted listening and resources, while others access direct services like peer counseling, free pregnancy tests, abortion funding, and diaper support at our in-person All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center in Bloomington, IN.
We’re building a future where all people are supported in making the reproductive decisions that are best for their lives, without coercion or limitation, and where the dignity of lived experiences is affirmed and honored. But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what our clients, callers, and workshop attendees have to say.
About our All-Options Talkline
“I am struggling to come to a decision about my pregnancy and I needed to talk to someone non-judgmental, open and supportive, and that’s what happened. We talked for over an hour. I am very thankful.”
“The counselor’s ability to listen to me and how I was feeling was a breath of relief. I was able to get what I needed to say out in the open and listen to how I could move past what I am feeling without time restraints. The counselor was insightful, and very helpful and didn’t judge me and cared about my feelings.”
“Honestly, it was just so wonderful to have someone to talk to who was informed, non-judgmental, warm and anonymous. There was space to just be me and have a sounding board while making one of the most difficult decisions in my lifetime. Thank you.”
“The person I talked to was able to frame so many of my confused ideas and emotions in a very clear, concise, and positive way. After talking to her for only a short time, I felt like she understood me and was able to recognize and remind me of my own strengths. I was nervous to call because I have not had good experiences trying to talk about infertility, but I felt so comfortable and supported.”
About services at our All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center
“Staff is friendly and welcoming. I feel confident having a place to turn if any life crisis were to happen that they would help and if they couldn’t help they would refer to someone who could!”
“They provide diapers for my family and support me on any aspect of parenting I need.”
“The counselor I spoke with was wonderful. Calm and non-judgmental. She really helped me think through my feelings and my concerns in a positive way. I truly appreciated her being there for me.”
“It gives us a place to get help with diapers and provides a place where we can help others with clothing our little one has outgrown.”
About our Pregnancy Options Workshops and other trainings

“I enjoyed the entire training, but if I had to choose, my favorite part was working in small groups. It was great to share stories and learn from each other. I want to attend EVERYTHING All-Options offers!“
“I thought the level of discussion and interactions was really good. The phrases for conversation are excellent (of course) and the presenters were very affirming and really modeled being non-judgmental!”
“The workshop was very interactive. I so appreciated the authenticity folks brought!”
“I loved the small group work, and being challenged to think about my personal biases.”