Hello All-Options community,
Spring is here, and we are so glad to welcome this season of renewal, increased sunshine, and, of course, abortion funding through our annual Fund-a-Thon. Although so much about the future remains uncertain, we are continually heartened by the All-Options community’s dedication to showing up for each other and ensuring every person has access to all the reproductive resources and support they need!
Get Your Fund-a-Thon on!
Are you ready to help us raise $35,000 for the Hoosier Abortion Fund!? Our annual abortion access Fund-a-Thon is underway, and we are counting on you to help us continue providing funding and practical support to folks in Indiana who need abortion care. So gather your crew and get ready, because we’re doing a giveaway for every team or solo individual who registers for Fund-a-Thon before April 1! Click here to register, and we’ll send you a pack of stickers and buttons to give as prizes to your friends who donate—or to keep for yourself, we won’t judge!
(Can’t commit to fundraising? You can still donate here!)
40 Days of Prayer for RJ
Spring unfortunately also brings the anti-abortion movement’s so-called “40 Days for Life” campaign of increased abortion stigma and harassment outside abortion clinics. But through our Faith Aloud program, All-Options is pushing back against the misuse of faith to shame people’s reproductive decisions. We are half-way through our 40 Days of Prayer for Reproductive Justice on Faith Aloud’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! Be sure to check out these beautiful and affirming posts and share the prayers that resonate with you.
If you love these beautiful prayers as much as we do, you can bring them into your home or office! Make a donation of $25 or more to Faith Aloud, and we’ll ship you an 18” x 24” poster of the 40 Days of Prayer for RJ so you can spread compassionate spiritual support year-round!
Client & Caller Stories
Every day, we get to hear from people who are making decisions about pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption—and often more than one of these issues at the same time! Each person’s experience is as unique and complex as all of our lives are, and at the same time, so many folks are going through similar struggles. These stories are just a snapshot of what our clients and callers have shared with us, and the ways we are able to offer them support.
This month, a Talkline advocate supported a caller who was unsure about how to proceed with a pregnancy. Though her inclination was to have an abortion, she was grappling with feelings of shame for making that decision for “the wrong reasons.” They talked about the public narratives that some abortion decisions are more “legitimate” than others, and the advocate helped the caller center herself and her family, rather than stigmatizing messages around abortion.
Hoosier Abortion Fund
On the funding line, we helped a caller in Indiana navigate the barrier-filled path to get an abortion as they worked to escape an unsafe situation at home. Not only did we provide financial support for this caller, we also helped her weed through the misleading web of Crisis Pregnancy Centers to find a safe abortion clinic that could see her as soon as possible.
Hoosier Diaper Program
Our Pregnancy Center Manager recently heard from a Hoosier Diaper Program family who had been receiving diapers and supplies for their little ones for some time. When they received a new source of income, they made a donation to give back and pass the support on to another Hoosier family in need!