Hello All-Options community,
Autumn has had an eventful start here at All-Options! We have had much to celebrate, like our Talkline’s 17th birthday and the start of our Fall 2021 virtual 6-week Pregnancy Options Workshop. But we are also holding space for anxiety and fear as we await decisions from the Supreme Court about SB8, the cruel 6-week abortion ban in Texas. (If you missed our last email and want a breakdown of the SCOTUS hearings on SB8, check out our infographic over on Instagram and Facebook.)
Despite the challenges and uncertainty we’re facing, we have some joyful updates and opportunities for you to check out in this newsletter!
ICYMI: All-Options’ 17th birthday
Since 2004, we have been the only talkline people can call to find judgment-free support for all their reproductive experiences. Whether folks want to discuss their pregnancy options, are looking for someone to share their abortion story with, or need to talk to someone about the difficulties of parenting, All-Options is here!
We are grateful for your support and are committed to providing this important service for many more years to come.
Faith Aloud is Recruiting Clergy Counselors
Our Faith Aloud program is dedicated to providing compassionate spiritual and religious support to people through all their pregnancy and parenting experiences, including abortion. We are currently looking for clergy people and faith leaders who unapologetically support reproductive choice and justice to volunteer on our counseling line!
This is a national opportunity and counselors can be located anywhere in the United States. The deadline to apply is Thursday, November 18th and virtual training sessions are November 30th, December 7th, and December 14th from 6:30pm-8:15pm EST. Attendance at all sessions is required to complete the training. Apply today or send this to someone you know!
For more information, visit www.faithaloud.org or reach out to our National Programs Manager, Paulina Guerrero at paulina@all-options.org.
In Diaper News…
Our All-Options Hoosier Diaper Program has been seeing an increase in clients across Monroe County and Indiana. Just this past month we distributed more than 10,000 diapers to 110 Hoosier families. Over half of these folks also received supplemental materials such as menstrual products, condoms, soaps, and shampoo.
We are happy to provide these additional items to families and their kiddos, but we’re running out of them pretty quickly! Will you help fill these needs for Hoosier families?
You can purchase diapers, diaper cream, and baby shampoo directly from our Target wish list or Amazon wish list, or drop items off at the All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center in Bloomington, IN (please contact our Center Manager, Jess Marchbank at jess@all-options.org first!). If you donate through our online wish lists, please let us know as gifts arrive anonymously and we would love to thank you for your generosity!
Pregnancy Options Workshop 2022
Our Fall 2021 virtual 6-week Pregnancy Options Workshop is halfway through! Folks from all across the country (and Canada) have joined us weekly to learn new skills and participate in group exercises with the goal of better providing unbiased support to pregnant folks. If you missed your chance to join this popular workshop, we’ve got you covered! We’ll host 2 more virtual 6-week POWs in Spring and Summer 2022—more information to come!
If you are interested in booking a custom training for Spring 2022 or later, please contact our National Trainings Coordinator, Karlie Thomas, at karlie@all-options.org!
Thank You Friends for Choice!
We want to give a special shout out to Friends for Choice in the Indianapolis area for organizing their 4th annual fundraiser and raising almost $4,300 for All-Options! Their virtual abortion justice panel included our amazing board member Harmony Glenn and long-time supporter and Executive Director of We Testify Renee Bracey Sherman. We are very grateful for Friends for Choice’s continued support!
We are always happy to welcome new folks to our community! If you are interested in organizing an event or fundraiser for us, please take a look at our policy and reach out to us for more information!
What We’re Reading and Sharing on Social Media
If you’re not following All-Options on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you may have missed the posts that are keeping us informed and engaged. Here are some of our recent favorites!
6 Ways to Know If You’re Pregnant Within 6 Weeks of Conception, Healthline (9/27/2021)
How to Talk About Reproductive Rights in Terms Simple Enough for a Child to Understand, Parents (10/12/2021)
Destigmatizing Early Pregnancy Loss: Anita’s Miscarriage Zine, Reproductive Health Access Project (10/13/2021)
‘I Hadn’t Even Processed It’: Representative Cori Bush on Telling Her Abortion Story Before Congress, VOGUE (10/13/2021)
An Oklahoma Woman Was Convicted Of Manslaughter Following Miscarriage At 17 Weeks, Romper (10/14/2021)