By now you’ve seen the leaked draft decision from the Supreme Court explicitly overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and gutting the right to abortion in at least 26 states as well as undermining the fundamental concept of personal liberty that reproductive rights and so many other rights have been grounded in.
While we knew this kind of decision was possible, even likely, it is still shocking and awful to read. It is gutting to witness the total disregard for women and pregnant people, and the lack of compassion for our humanity and our right to make decisions about our own bodies and our reproduction.
Like you, I am feeling rage, despair, numbness – and determination to keep fighting and keep showing up for each other with love and unconditional support. Here are a few ways you can take action right now.
- Remind people that current laws on abortion have not changed. Abortion is legal, clinics are open, and people can and should still go to their appointments. To find abortion care, visit ineedana.com. For emotional support and unbiased resources, call our All-Options Talkline at 1-888-493-0092.
- Donate to your local abortion fund and independent clinics to help people get the care they need. You can find your local fund and donate here or donate to 80+ abortion funds here. If you’re in Indiana or have a special love for our Hoosier Abortion Fund, you can donate here. To support independent clinics, donate to the Keep Our Clinics campaign.
- Learn more about self-managed abortion. Check out Abortion on Our Own Terms for information and resources. And if someone you know is criminalized for ending a pregnancy, If/When/How’s Repro Legal Helpline is a vital resource.
- Stay informed and get involved. We are not giving up and we need you. Sign up for Operation Save Abortion, a day of training and action with the Abortion Access Front. Join Liberate Abortion and follow #LiberateAbortion on social media to stay in the loop about actions and advocacy.
- Learn more about All-Options. Learn more about our programs, including our Hoosier Abortion Fund and All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center in Indiana; our national All-Options Talkline and Faith Aloud clergy counseling line; and our Pregnancy Options Workshops.
We are deeply moved by all the love and support we’ve gotten from our All-Options community since this news broke. Together we will keep fighting and keep showing up for people who need abortion care, no matter what the courts say.